The Old Woman From the Future
Back in 2010, director George Clark was just watching old footage of the greats. One of those greats was the film The Circus by the brilliant Charlie Chaplin, which has definitely stood the test of time. But when George took a look at it with fresh eyes, he noticed a very strange situation in a scene. Was there an old lady with a cell phone in the film, as seen here?
Obviously, that tech didn't exist at the time. Some people online seem to think she is a time traveler, caught on camera. Others are unconvinced. Strange, to say the least!
The Timeless Mystery Of John Titor
John Titor is a pretty famous case of a person who insists he has time traveled. Despite the critics out there, he is not letting up on his story. What is it, exactly? Well, it's complicated. But to shorten it, it all began in the autumn of 2000. John wrote about his experience on a forum online, saying that he was actually sent back to the '70s to transport an IBM 5100 computer to a future time. He was from 2036, to be precise.
John was just here now as a stop on his way home, and he wanted everyone to know. The specifications of the time machine he used were extensive, and many people believed the writing. It endures online, to this day. Is it a hoax?
Greta Thunberg May Just Be a Time Traveler
Teen Greta Thunberg is a big environmental advocate in our time. She talks a lot about the future of the planet. According to Greta: "We deserve a safe future. And we demand a safe future." But could she actually be a person from the past? This photo certainly makes it look like she is a time traveler with a message for humanity. Look at this face and tell us you don't agree!
The photo actually comes from the archives at the University of Washington in Seattle. They say it's just a Swedish girl from another era, but we are not sure this isn't a time-traveling Swede, specifically Greta!
These Professors Claim They Met Marie Antoinette
In 1901, two educated Brits named Anne Moberly and Eleanor Jourdain went on holiday to France. As many do, they visited the Palace of Versailles. When they arrived at the mini attraction called the Petit Trianon, Marie Antoinette's private building, they witnessed something odd. They saw parts of the architecture that were removed centuries ago, and then claimed to see Marie herself on the grounds. They explained this was all due to time travel, on the spot. Was it?
Many called this a joint delusion or a misinterpretation. But despite the critics, the women published a book explaining the incident under pen names: Elizabeth Morison and Frances Lamont. It's called An Adventure. It's still available today!
Is This Evidence of a Real-Life Time Traveler?
Here, a vintage photo claims to show a crowd at the re-opening of the South Fork Bridge, in British Columbia. Nothing seems off, at first. But online sleuths have looked a lot closer than the average joe, and we've zoomed in to show you more. Although the picture is from 1941, one man in the middle doesn't seem to be from that era. Could he be from a more modern time period, somehow?
The time-traveling hipster here really does stand out from the prim and proper ladies and gents all around him. They have fur and overcoats, whereas he has sunglasses and a hoodie. We find this incredibly spooky!
Space Barbie Knows All
Social media has been fascinated by a woman that looks like a real-life Barbie. Most would say she had a lot of plastic surgery, but the woman in question, Valeria Lukyanova, says she is just of another time and another world. She explains her mission: "The aim of my life is to come to this planet to help people to realize that is it necessary to move from the role of the 'human consumer' to the role of 'human demi-god.'"
Whether or not Valeria is really from a different time, we are not sure if humanity is ready for this new philosophy of being. It might be above our heads!
Father Pellegrino Ernetti and the Chronovisor
Pellegrino Ernetti was a Catholic priest who talked about all kinds of supernatural phenomena. But what made him stand out in the priestly crowd was his claim that time travel was already a reality. He claimed he had made a device that could let the wearer witness events from the past. He said this helped him see the crucifixion of Christ, with his own eyes. Quite a claim, isn't it?

On his death bed, Father Pellegrino took his claims back. Some of his colleagues say he was coerced into a false confession, though. We wish we could ask, but he's dead!
The Man From Taured Needs Explaining
In 1954, the customs folks at the Haneda Airport in Tokyo, Japan encountered a truly strange situation. A man trying to get through claimed to be from a nation that didn't exist, at the time: Taured. But his passport said he was a citizen, and it was full of legitimate-looking stamps. They thought he might mean he was from Andorra, based on a conversation with him about its location. But he got mad, and insisted Taured was real.
Not only that, but he said it had existed for 1,000 years. The conflict resulted in his arrest. But the next day, he was gone, with all his documents. Was he some sort of time traveler, lost in our world?
The Photo That Shows a Future City in 2118
Online, thousands of people are getting curious about a man named Alexander Smith. He wears a suit and he has a disturbing message for all of us. Alex has just returned from a routine business trip in the year 2118, and tries to show a photo of a city from the future. He believes this will prove his claim to skeptics. But looking closely, the picture is a little blurry. So what's the deal?
Does he have any useful knowledge for us? In a video with 500,000 views, he shares: "This picture was taken in the year 2118...There's a danger of artificial intelligence taking over. But the number one threat to humanity as we know it is global warming."
Vladimir Putin Seems to Live in Every Era
Russian leader Vladimir Putin once said: "I have a private life in which I do not permit interference. It must be respected." That sounds all well and good. But a recent photo circulating online shows there may a reason that the man is so private. Look closely, and decide for yourself. Is Putin a young man in every era? Some say he must be a time traveler because this seems impossible.

We are intrigued, but we don't have evidence either way. And we suspect the Russian president will not confirm or deny the rumor. Former KGB agents don't like to do that!
The Green Children Of Woolpit Defy Explanation
This incident takes us all way back to the 12th Century. In Woolpit., England, a young boy and girl were discovered alone. Unfortunately, they didn't speak English, or any other language anyone knew. But that wasn't the oddest part of the situation. Both had green skin, locals reported. The boy died, not long after his rescue. But the truth of the matter only came out years later, when the girl learned English.
She claimed she actually hailed from a place called St. Martin's Land. She and her brother had wandered off while tending the family sheep and entered a cave. Then, they wound up in Woolpit, far, far away. Did they time travel, or what?
Dr. Ronald L. Mallett Did the Math
Retired professor Ronald L. Mallett has a Ph.D. in physics from Penn State University. He spends a lot of time talking about theoretical physics, as one would expect. But he has also waded into an area that his colleagues think is a little kooky. His memoir was recently published, and the title says it all. It's Time Traveler: A Scientist’s Personal Mission to Make Time Travel a Reality, no less.
Dr. Ronald says he is working on a machine to send him to the past. He wants to see his late father again, who died when he was a child. Pretty understandable!
William Stillings Survived a Future Space Mission
William Stillings is also a member of Project Pegasus. This secret government program sent humans across time to a colony on Mars, so they say. While there are more skeptics than supporters, it is odd that multiple people keep claiming this same story. The time travel and the Mars mission are consistent details. In William's case, he also says he met President Obama during the mission. Does the 44th prez admit he has already been there?
Maybe, maybe not. So far, Obama has only publicly claimed: "Getting to Mars will require continued cooperation between government and private innovators, and we're already well on our way."
This Time-Traveler From Year 5000 Has Bad News
A startling new claim has appeared online. A man who says he is a time-traveler from the year 5000, and he has a picture to prove it. He also has a message for us all: "I will tell you a story which will amaze you and you will be astonished...I was standing on a huge wooden platform. Not only me, houses, building, of course, all made from wood...and after, I realized it was the same city, Los Angeles, but underwater."
The mysterious man calls himself Edward and says he participated in a top-secret time-traveling program back in 2004. He was sent 3,000 years into the future, but he's back to tell us the truth. The world is going to get very wet, eventually!
Billy Meier Has Time Travled Quite a Bit
If you've ever seen the art of UFOs on the X-Files posters, the man responsible for the aesthetic is none other than this guy called Billy Meier. People loved his photography, which supposedly showed aliens visiting us in small, metal flying saucers. He himself claims he has made many trips through time and space. The alien race that has been helping him do that is called the Pleiadians. If you thought it was all art, you'd be wrong. Billy believes in it!

Recently, some of his original shots were sold at auction house Sotheby's. The rich like time-traveling alien photography as much as anyone else. The question is, are they authentic?
Elon Musk Admits He Is Beyond Time
Tech titan Elon Musk seems to have more than a fair share of conspiracy theories floating around about him online. As the founder of SpaceX and Tesla, it does seem like he has a futuristic outlook. People claim he has to be some sort of time traveler, or possibly an alien. What does Elon himself have to say about the matter? Recently, Elon claimed: "Full disclosure, I'm actually a 3000-year-old vampire. It's such a trial assuming all these false identities over the centuries!"
That's quite a claim, we admit. He posted this photo on Twitter as evidence. We think he might just be suffering from a bad case of the early '90s.
The TikTok Time-Traveler
Time travel remains a controversy to say the least. But a viral TikTok user has a special hello for us: “My name is Javier and I am alone in the world...I have traveled in time since 2027 and I am alone in the world.” One of his videos has 2.2 million views on the platform, and it purports to show a view from the future. What did fellow users think?
For now, most people seem unconvinced of this claim. In fact, one observer wrote: “It’s obviously a video from back in lockdown when no one went out." Could be true!
An Air Marshal Saw A Futuristic Plane
Air Marshal Sir Robert Victor Goddard was flying in 1935, as he often did. But one day, he passed an abandoned airfield in Edinburgh. This was the mission that changed his life. Why? Well, as he looked below, he saw all sorts of modern planes getting tuneups. The aircraft were painted yellow, and he knew he had never seen any of these models in his career. What was going on?
Just four years later, the British did decide to paint their planes yellow. This was unforeseen by everyone else. Sir Robert concluded he had accidentally time traveled, just for a moment. Pretty freaky!
Soldier Michael Relfe Says He Survived Time Travel
Michael Relfe once served in the U.S. military. Bu his life's mission would turn out to be a civilian one, and it has everything to do with time travel. Mike wants us all to know about the government's "weaponized Tesla-based quantum access time travel technology". He says he was sent to live on Mars, way back in 1976. Twenty years later, he was sent back here, to earth. His age was reversed upon reentry, of course.

Mr. Relfe maintains a website on the matter, but it is all written in comic sans font. Some people find that unprofessional. But are his claims true? That's what's really important here!
These Friends Traveled From 1979 To 1905
One evening in 1979, something peculiar happened to Geoff and Pauline Simpson and another couple, Len and Cynthia Gisby. The four were on a trip in France, and they rested at a hotel for the night. The building seemed incredibly vintage, and the policemen guarding it were wearing very old uniforms. The cost of their stay was just 19 francs. The market rate was 200, so they really started to wonder what was going on.
They left the hotel the next morning and continued their vacation. They wanted to come back and stay another night, but by then, the hotel seemed to have vanished. Did they stumble upon a temporary time warp? Four people can't all be crazy!
Journalist J. Bernard Hutton Experienced a Future Air Raid
Journalist J. Bernard Hutton was sent by a German newspaper to cover the Hamburg shipyard, back in 1932. Photographer Joachim Brandt came along for the ride, and both encountered something they had never seen in their professional careers. Bombs began falling, and they left as quickly as they came. That wasn't part of the gig! They had the photos to prove it, for any doubters. But years later, things would get stranger.
Eleven years later, to be exact, the journalist was at his desk. He then saw a photo of Operation Gomorrah, which was an air raid on the city of Hamburg. The shot looked identical to his from 1932. Some wonder: How was that possible, without time travel?
This Cosmonaut Has a Time Travel Tale
In America, we say astronaut. In Russia, they say cosmonaut. Either way, the job is all about exploring the universe. Russian man Sergei Avdeyev was a space professional since 1985, and he actually holds the world record for flight time up there. In total, he has 748 days under his belt. That's probably not going to change, since he has retired now. But science geeks claim that he has done something more, technically.
Because Sergei went 27,360 km/h, he actually aged less than us earthlings — specifically, 20 milliseconds less. That makes him slightly younger, and some call this time travel. It actually might be!
Florida Man Was in the Middle of Time Travel
We've all seen our fair share of Florida man stories over the years. Each and every one of them is good, in a bad way. Today, it's time for the time-traveling edition. We read that a man has failed in his mission to time travel. The method was simple: Just drive through a local strip mall at 88 miles per hour. That's what happened in Back to the Future, right?
We're not sure if this attempt would have been successful, if not for that wall in the way. But the good news is, no one was hurt.
Al Bielek and the Montauk Project
Al Bielek has led quite the life if stories about him are true. He's a member of the Montauk project, an alleged U.S. government initiative. Al says he used time travel to go between New York and California, and the technology even sent him to Mars. Here, we see AN-FPS-35 Radar at Camp Hero, in Montauk. Proponents of the group's theories say that this is a tool that proves the program.
Is it? Looking at this nondescript building now, it's hard to say. But Al claims that he has done extensive time traveling, and it's all thanks to the research here.
Greetings From the 36th Century
Dr. Bruce Goldberg is a man who claims he knows quite a few time travelers out there. His website is dedicated to one person, most of all, whom he calls a "pure human". This being is called Traksa, and comes from a time in far, far future: The 36th century. Why is this person here, now? Apparently, he or it was on a mission to introduce Dr. Bruce Goldberg to someone named Art Bell, an AM radio host.

Looks like the mission succeeded, in that sense. Bruce has been on before to discuss his theories. It's not clear if the general public has bought into much of it, despite the exposure.
Ed Cameron Built a Time Portal
Ed Cameron is another member of the famed Montauk project in New York. He says that his work with the group has sent him on missions to other eras to meet Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein. They would be the best men to consult on matters like time travel, obviously. Ed says they did help him work out some of the math he needed to build a new time portal.
Is it available for the public yet? Apparently, it is not. But if Ed's story is true, we might be able to visit other centuries soon. We already know which ones interest us most!
These Teens Sadly Failed in Their Time Trip
Every once in a while, time travel stories make it to the mainstream news. In China, there was a tragedy in 2012. According to China Daily, teens Xiao Hua and Xiao Mei ended their lives by drowning in a pool. They did this to travel back in time because one had lost a remote control for the garage. They thought that if they jumped in the pool, they would travel back in time and figure it out.
The paper condemned time travel as evil, given the outcome. Since then, Chinese authorities have banned shows during prime time that even talk about the issue. The decision seems to be final!
The Chrononauts and Project Pegasus
In 2011, a man named Andrew D. Basiago claimed he was something called a chrononaut. What was this job? Well, it was a bit different than an astronaut. This was a position that involved travel through time, not space. And it was all happening through a U.S. government program called DARPA. Project Pegasus was his assigned experiment, and it started in the 1970s. He was trained to teleport back in time to Mars!
How did the teleport tech work? According to Andrew, it “consisted of two gray elliptical booms about eight feet tall, separated by about 10 feet, between which a shimmering curtain of what Tesla called ‘radiant energy’ was broadcast. Radiant energy is a form of energy that Tesla discovered that is latent and pervasive in the universe and has among its properties the capacity to bend time-space.”
Bob White and the Dimensional Warp Generator
In 2002, a viral email was sent around looking for donations for a Dimensional Warp Generator. The email read, in part: "I'm a time traveler stuck here in 2003. Upon arriving here my dimensional warp generator stopped working. I trusted a company here by the name of LLC Lasers to repair my Generation 3 52 4350A watch unit, and they fled on me...I will take whatever model you have in stock, as long as its received certification for being safe on carbon-based life forms."
It was signed by a man who claimed to be named Bob White, and some people actually sent funds. Was it a joke? A scam, perhaps? There's also the possibility Bob is really a time traveler who can't get home. That's what he's sticking with!
Iranian Scientist Ali Razeghi May Have a New Machine
Back in 2013, someone announced they had enviable new tech in the field of time travel. Iranian scientist Ali Razeghi said he built the "Aryayek Time Traveling Machine" and even registered it with the Centre for Strategic Inventions in his country. The idea was to "predict five to eight years of the future life of any individual, with 98 percent accuracy." Complex algorithms allowed this, apparently. But the government denied its existence.
According to Ali: "I have been working on this [time machine] project for the last 10 years...Naturally, a government that can see five years into the future would be able to prepare itself for challenges that might destabilize it...The reason that we are not launching our prototype at this stage is that the Chinese will steal the idea and produce it [by the] millions overnight."
The Large Hadron Collider Might Actually Work
Big news: Switzerland’s Large Hadron Collider is a machine that accelerates particles. If you're a physics major, it might be interesting to read about. But if you're a time-traveling fan, this is for you, too. It's obviously very complicated, in its mechanism. But the idea is to let particles travel back and forth the way they did at the beginning of the universe. Time becomes complicated when things slow down.
So far, it doesn't seem to have any outside application for our dreams to travel to other eras and see the past. We have no idea if it ever will!
The Old Finnish Lady From the Year 6000
Chloe is the name of an older woman online with a big claim about time. Located in Finland now, she says she traveled back and forth between 1966 and our present day. But actually, she comes from a far future date on the calendar: The year 6,000. On Instagram, she decided to reach out and warn humanity that it will be destroyed, just like the dinosaurs before us. Oh no!

According to Chloe: "The sun will get close to the Earth and average temperature will rise to 40C and the greatest to 70C. And, because of that, there will be a great collapse on the earth...Dinosaurs were revived in 4529 and became the main find in the zoos. People considered they were not so dangerous and let them into inhabitant zones, like jungles and safaris...The dinosaur exterminated all animals in those areas and also humans."
Darkness Is Coming
Posting on TikTok, yet another time traveler has a lot to say to us today. According to user Timetraveler2582: "Believe or not, this has indeed happened on the June 6, 2026...Starting at 00h00 UTC on the June 6, 2026 [sic], the Earth will enter into three days of darkness...Close and secure all possible entrances to your home. Switch off all lights. Do not look out of any windows...Do not respond to any knocks on your windows and doors until the all clear is given. Remain silent at all times."
If you take all of these steps, you might be able to survive the coming darkness. We are not sure we want to do any of it. But thanks for the warning, Timetraveler2582.
Clara Has Some Trade Secrets to Share
In January 2018, a person named “Clara” revealed a lot of time travel secrets online. Like these things usually do, it involved the U.S. government. According to the whistleblower: "Imagine time is a measurement such as height, length, or depth. Let’s say you are swimming in the sea at a depth of two meters. You can easily go deeper. This is the same thing that you can do with time if you have the appropriate equipment and knowledge.”
Allegedly, this is all used for military operations. But no one really understood the explanation of the time machine. It might just be above our paygrade. Super futuristic technology usually is!
Time-Traveling Teen Is Stuck in the Wrong Decade
A teen with a disguised identity has been making the rounds online recently. The boy we will call "Noah" says he is a professional time-traveler, and he has a problem. Despite his training, he is currently stranded in our year. That's a problem because he is actually from the year 2030. Currently, he fears bumping into another version of himself now. He says the encounter could literally destroy the universe!
Noah explains: "A past version of myself exists right now and he is in middle school currently...I have to stay far away from him to avoid causing a paradox, because the results of that could be profound, by what I understand." One of Noah's videos on the subject has gotten more than 920,000 views online. Will people take the claims seriously?